Chile 2032 Radar de escenarios Dic.2022
Un giro para este mes: algunas influencias nacionales e internacionales clave ahora apuntan en una dirección de menor riesgo: la Corte Suprema de Chile confirmó los desalojos en ocupaciones ilegales de tierras, las expectativas de que las operaciones del TPP11 comiencen pronto, las tasas de interés de EE. UU.m que se mantienen por debajo de lo esperado y la posibilidad de que las redes sociales (Twitter, por ahora) democratizarán los mensajes, en lugar de solo censurarlos según el criterio de sus editores. Los efectos de TWITTER a más largo plazo siguen siendo una gran incertidumbre.
TENDENCIA: Escenario 3
Scenario drivers
In Aug. 2022, a group of Chilean executives, led by two consultants, developed a matrix of 4 alternative futures for Chile 2032. Which one of these so-called “scenarios” will actually materialize depends on a number of local and world events influencing Chile’s economy, political environment, and society, as well as on the competence of the country’s leadership in addressing challenges and opportunities, building systems and institutions, and deploying resources.
Decision making
As decision makers managing Chilean organizations and companies, we have practically no control over any of these factors. But we do have the ability to monitor them over time and foresee which scenarios are becoming more likely to materialize, improving today´s decisions and plans.
Scenario signposts
The Scenario Radar is a simple tool to track how major developments in Chile and the wider world can contribute to the probable emergence of some scenarios over others. It is a subjective picture to help understand the directions Chile is taking.